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Award is obtainable in CW / SSB / MIX versions from OM / SWL of all the World exclusively for QSO's maked on W.A.R.C. bands.

It's available in two versions:

  • for single band W.A.R.C., with a minimum of 75 confirmed/heard Country;
  • fcumulative for 3 frequencies (10-18-24 MHz) with a minimum of 45 confirmed/heard Country for band.

You must send a confirmed/heard list in DXCC list order with DATE, UTC, QRG, CALL, RST, MODE and RST reports can't be under 33 (SSB) or 333 (CW), this list must be completed with:

  • declaration sheet that certify all qso will be maked respecting amateur radio rules, signed by National Award Manager;
  • for Italy ONLY, declaration sheet can be signed by two C.D. members of their A.R.I. headquarter.

All material (qso's list and declaration sheet) must be send to:
IK4JPR, P.O. Box 311, I-41012 Carpi (MO), ITALY with 15 IRC, 10 Euros or 10 US$ .

Some of this money will be gave for beneficent associations; informations about award delivery and receive money associations, will be spreaded yearly. When Award manager believes right, will must to request QSLs; they returned by buro if others ways are not specified; valid QSOs are all maked since 01-01-1986.